Legal notice

What is a legal notice?

Legal notices are pieces of information that allow you to learn more about the publisher of a website. They are mandatory (External link) and serve several purposes:

  • Introduce the “person” you are interacting with by visiting the web page.
  • Allow you to contact the publisher/host, possibly in case of a dispute. Thus, legal notices have a protective mission.
  • Verify the reliability of the site and reinforce its credibility.
Who are we?

This website is offered to support the different members of the Prometheus association.

The Publisher of the platform is the PROMETHEUS-X association

Located at: 110 boulevard de Verdun 941120 Fontenay-sous-Bois


Who is responsible for the content of this site?

The director of publication and content manager is the representative of the PROMETHEUS-X association.

Who is hosting this site?

The site is hosted by Orange Cloud for Business

Simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder and a share capital of 112,919,820.06 €

1 place des droits de l’homme – 93 210 Saint Denis La Plaine.