Welcome to the future of Data Spaces in Europe
How to launch human-centric, decentralised, sustainable and functional Data Spaces in education and further industries?
With already 20 building blocks, 36 international partners, 30 use cases, € 23m in funding, and hundreds of concrete ideas: Prometheus-X enters the next level in creating Data Spaces.
As the world is entering a complex transition, intertwining environmental challenges, energy transition, demographic expansion, digitalization and fast technological advances in AI and robotics, we need to improve the education of new generations and the training and upskilling of the workforce at large scale.
We are currently experiencing an increase in the need for trainings, career changes, and professional development. Figures from a recent McKinsey study on the future of work in Europe show that more than 94 million people in Europe will need to learn new skills due to the adoption of automation in various sectors.
The objective of Prometheus-X is to develop and facilitate deployment of a cloud to edge infrastructure for educations and skills capable of connecting services and data, enabling decentralized data sharing and to make this data space ecosystem accessible to all.
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Prometheus-X calls for innovative proposals to advance data space use cases

FIWARE and Prometheus-X are proud to announce a strategic collaboration to propose a relevant, complete, open, and interoperable data space stack.

A blueprint for educators, technologists, and policymakers seeking to navigate the complexities of data sharing and governance.
Call for proposals: Pioneering data space use cases
Join Prometheus-X to shape the future of data-driven innovation!
At Prometheus-X, we have an ambitious and yet clear mission: to improve the competitiveness of the EU workforce on the global market by creating an interoperable infrastructure among European education and skills sectors. This will support the aggregation of data and feedback about the architecture, design, key components, business models, governance, stakeholders’ coordination mechanisms and identification of needs for further improvements.
We are developing building blocks for human-centric data sharing and implementing first use cases in education, skills and other sectors.
Our goal is to make a better use out of high-quality data for better qualification, learning opportunities, jobs options, and skills sets. The potential of data is huge and we want to use it in a better decision-making in numerous areas, e.g. public organisations, business, and in research.
Prometheus-X has a detailed operational plan and long-term vision. This vision is built up on a solid technical ground and mirrors in multiple practical use cases. We are 38 international partners and work together to make the data flow easily within the EU and across sectors for the benefit of individuals, researchers, and public organizations. How do we do it? By creating a system of building blocks and reliable infrastructure.
Data spaces are unlocking new use cases for trustworthy data transactions
to gather and share own learning data for personalised learning experiences.
Open source components to build human centric data spaces

Essential building blocks to enable trustworthy data transactions

Trustworthy data sharing
Ontologies and services to interoperate between organisations and countries

Data transformation
Convert, anonymize, enrich, tag, exchange learning records

Building blocks to streamline dataspace operations for participants and operators
Learn more about the people behind Prometheus-X and their motivation to shape the future of education.
Public and private members of the Education and Skills sectors

Prometheus-X is co-funded
by the European Union and France
This project is aligned with the Digital Europe Programme which is investing 7+ billion euros to allow the European Union, its member states, organisations, and citizens to have data sovereignty thanks to an innovative and decentralised data infrastructure; manifested through the European common data spaces and the SIMPL smart middleware platform.
This project aims to create innovative building blocks that will enable this decentralised infrastructure. It also helps finance sectoral use cases to apply those building blocks to solve real issues organisations and people are facing so as to ensure their value and adoption. This funding is needed as organisations will not finance this innovation on their own, especially in the education and skills sector which is largely composed of public actors and SMEs.

European Union
The European Commission is funding the data spaces and infrastructure construction through the Digital Europe program.

France Relance
Prometheus-X is co-funded through the France Relance program (Appel à Projet "ATF : Plateformes numériques et mutualisation de données pour les filières").